Insurance Info

All major PPO and Medicare Insurance Accepted.Please call our cordial staff for assistance.



Q: What should I do if I lost my instructions sheet?
A: Please click here or call us at 949-364-2536.

Q: Do I really need a driver or can I drive myself home after the procedure?
A: Yes, you must have arranged a driver to take you home after procedure. Due to sedation you are not safe to drive or operate any machinery on the day of your procedure.

Q: After my procedure, when can I return to work?
A: The day after your procedure you may return to work. Unless indicated otherwise by Dr. Rahimi.

FAQ For Upper Endoscopy

Q: Should I take my medications the day of procedure?
A: Yes. You may take all your usual medications except any blood thinners (i.e. Coumadin, Lovenox, and Plavix), Aspirin, NSAIDs (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Naproxen) or diabetic mediations as instructed. Please refer to the instruction sheet or call us at 949-364-2536.

Q: What should I do if I lost my instructions sheet?
A: Please click here or call us at 949-364-2536.

Q: Do I really need a driver or can I drive myself home after the procedure?
A: Yes, you must have arranged a driver to take you home after procedure. Due to sedation you are not safe to drive or operate any machinery on the day of your procedure.

Q: After my procedure, when can I return to work?
A: The day after your procedure you may return to work. Unless indicated otherwise by Dr. Rahimi.

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